Initiative Funding

Dear applicants!

With the initiative funding, the student body supports student groups of the Viadrina, which work on a longer-term basis and independently for the organization and realization of self-selected topics.

Financial support can be applied for once a year.

The funding is based on the guidelines for the funding of student initiatives, which you can find on our website. According to this guideline, an application for initiative funding for the following budget year can be submitted to the Department of Administration by April 30 of each year (by mail and also digitally to The department is also your contact for all matters concerning initiative funding and will be happy to answer any questions you may have.

The application must be accompanied by a detailed description of the initiative, a justification of the application, and a budget for the requested budget year.

Funded initiatives must submit an unsolicited statement of accounts and financial statements to the Administrative Office by April 30. Templates for the annual report for initiatives and committees can be found on our website. The contact person regarding the preparation of statements is the Department of Finance.

The initiative is required to indicate financial support from the student body in event announcements, media information, and publications.

Checkliste: Checkliste Initiativanträge