General Assembly

Dear fellow students,

I hereby convene the 1st General Assembly of the 32nd Legislature in accordance with Art. 6, S.1 of the Statutes of the Student Body (Satzung der Studierendenschaft). The complete invitation can be found HERE.


The General Assembly will take place on Thursday, July 27, 2023, 6:30 p.m. s.t. in the Audimax of the European University Viadrina, Logenstraße 4, 15230 Frankfurt (Oder).


We would like to inform you about the committee work of the student body in the past year and discuss with you current topics such as the fee increase, the semester ticket and other developments.


ATTENTION: You must bring your student ID or your current certificate of enrollment including an official photo ID so that we can ensure that only members of the student body take part in the voting.


If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me. I am looking forward to a lively and great General Assembly with you!


Best regards,

Peer Schwiders (he/him)

Chairperson of the General Student Affairs Committee